Q: When and where is the festival?
A: The festival is on Sunday, March 6, 2022, from 8:30am - 5:00pm. It will be held at Ravinia's Bennett Gordon Hall, located north of Chicago in Highland Park, IL.
Q: Should I bring a bass?
A: Having a bass is not required, but we encourage all to bring a bass, bow, stool, etc. in order to participate in the classes and performances. You are more than welcome to come without a bass and listen to performances and sit in on clinics.
Q: Can my mother/father/sibling come?
A: Family members of registered participants (parents, brothers and sisters) are invited to attend any session and performance throughout the day. Students in elementary school are encouraged to have a parent attend sessions with them. Observers can pay a $15 observation fee when they arrive.
Q: What is the format for the Chicago Bass Festival?
A: The Chicago Bass Festival is set up like a convention, with multiple sessions being offered every hour covering a wide variety of topics, including:
Young Bassist
Audition Preparation
Music School and Career Advice
Early Music Sessions
These topics will be explored through four different kinds of sessions:
Group Playing - classes where everyone plays through exercises and music together
Clinics - sessions based around a particular topic (excerpts, solo repertoire, jazz bass lines, auditions, etc.)
Master Classes - like public lessons; a clinician works one-on-one with a bassist in front of an audience
Performances - live bass playing throughout the day for your enjoyment
Q: How do I participate in a clinic?
A: Head over to the room in which the clinic you'd like to attend will be held. Be sure to bring your bass if you'd like to play.
Q: Do I have to stay until the end of a session?
A: No. In fact, you are encouraged to check out as many sessions as you can, so please feel free to come in late or leave in the middle of an ongoing session. The goal of the festival is to provide more than you can possibly take in!
Q: How do I sign-up to play in a master class?
A: A few weeks prior to the clinic, we will send out a sign up sheet to all who are enrolled to attend, where you can sign up to play at master classes. There will be a limited number of slots, and slots are first come, first serve. Clinicians will do their best to work with as many students as possible, but masterclass playing will be determined by the flow of the class.
Q: Do I have to pay to park?
A: Nope! Parking is free and the load-in for your bass is easy.
Q: How young are “young bassists?”
A: When we say “young bassists,” we typically mean bassists in elementary and middle school. Any students in this age range are welcome to participate in the classes for older bassists (and vice versa), but classes designated as being tailored for young bassists are designed to be most helpful to beginning bassists. If you’re an adult but are a beginner (or just want a refresher course), you may want to check out one of these classes as well!
Q: Can I observe the festival without actively participating in any of the sessions?
A: Yes - on the day of the festival, people who wish to observe (but not participate) in any sessions can pay a $20 Observer Fee. Observers will not be able to participate in Master Classes or Technique sessions, for example, but may watch classes and performances.
Q: Do the students play a lot in the classes, or do they mostly just watch others play?
A: There are a wide variety of classes, some with group playing and some with individuals playing, but there will be group classes all day, so one could play the entire day (or just listen the entire day) if one were so inclined.
Q: You still haven't answered my question - Who should I get in touch with?
Contact Evan Fojtik at evanfojtik@mya.org, or call (847) 926-9898.